2. Software Installation¶
Spectronon is easily installed using the provided installer. It can be installed even if a previous version is installed, in which case the previous version will be uninstalled before the current version is installed. If you are installing Spectronon for the first time, or upgrading your current installation, the default options should be used. Ensure that any existing versions of Spectronon (or SpectrononPro, if you are using an older, paid only version of the software) are closed before installing a new version.
The last version of SpectrononPro is 3.4.11. All subsequent versions of Spectronon, starting with v3.5.0, bundle the ability to collect hyperspectral data using Resonon hyperspectral cameras and systems into a single, free version of the software.
The latest version of the software can also be found at our at our download site, under . Resonon provides Spectronon for free, along with sample hyperspectral data, to help develop the hyperspectral imaging community. We believe that open access to hyperspectral analysis tools will contribute to developing hyperspectral imaging as an essential tool across science and engineering disciplines.
The Spectronon installer can also be used to repair broken driver configurations. Run the installer as normal and when you get to the
window, select only the drivers you want to install. You will have to restart your computer if you select the option.
Choose Components window of the Spectronon installer¶